The Best & Worst Of Ross Lyon On Triple M Footy

"Thank you for being a friend"

24 October 2022

We wrote roughly this time last year: "Yesterday was the final edition of the Sunday Rub for the year, and if the rumours are true it means we'll have to farewell Ross Lyon in 2022."

Well, rumours were NOT true. We got another year out of Ross The Boss. However, rumours definitely weren't wrong this year as today Lyon's return to St Kilda was confirmed, which means we really will wave goodbye to our mate next season. 

So we went back through the archives and found this highlights package from 2021. The boys put together a montage of Ross' commentary highlights (and lowlights). 

Meantime, everyone at Triple M Footy would like to thank Ross for his fantastic contribution over the years.

“Ross as a media personality made our team (the Sunday Rub) better. He wasn’t afraid to challenge the big topics and his insight into coaching was a lesson valued every weekend. I now understand why the Saints boys loved him.”

- Nathan Brown

Triple M Head of Sport Content, Ewan Giles, said "On behalf of everyone at Triple M Footy - we'd like to congratulate Ross on his appointment as Senior Coach at St Kilda. We've all loved working with Ross and getting to know him, and his unique insights on the game. We wish him all the best with his new role."

Nathan Brown, Ross' team mate from the Sunday Rub added “Ross as a media personality made our team (the Sunday Rub) better. He wasn’t afraid to challenge the big topics and his insight into coaching was a lesson valued every weekend. I now understand why the Saints boys loved him.”

We've got even more gold on Instagram at @triplemfooty and as always, get our latest stuff by subscribing on LiSTNR


From forgetting how to use the mic, to showing up with a 1L Gatorade, this had it all! 

Catch the best bits from Triple M Footy here: