Young Adults will have about 15 career changes in their lifetime!

And there are consequences...

29 July 2019

Sean Lindsay

As the generations idle by, expectations on career changes and ones obligation to their occupation throughout a lifetime has changed dramatically.

Post-war baby boomers committed to one job to ensure sustained financial security. The next generation could expect seven or more career changes across their working life. Today our young adults will on average have fifteen different and varied roles. With the average working lifetime lasting 45 years, which means most Millennials and Gen Zs will be employed in a role for about three years.

The ramifications to these new stats are significant. To prepare a possible worker for a role employers have to advertise, interview, screen, induct, and train that person prior to them reaching maximum productivity for the business. This process generally takes nine months, meaning an employee on $50 grand a year will cost their work $37,500.

This training cost contributed with the high turnover of workers means businesses don’t just suffer financially but also experience long periods with decreased productivity.

It illustrates the importance of attracting workers and retaining them for longer periods than the present norm.        

The best way to do this is in your employee selection. Barry Urquhart from Marketing Focus explains.

‘You’ve got to go out and recruit for attitude and train for aptitude. Most people can be taught to do their job, but they need to have the right attitude, the right philosophy and that’s the art of successful employment’

And, of course it is pivotal to encourage a relaxed and fun environment where workers enjoy coming to work and are satisfied with completing their tasks for the greater good of the company.

Another pearl of wisdom from Barry Urquhart.

‘Once you enjoy the work it’s not work at all…’

Catch the conversation Sean had with Barry Urquhart on the Breakfast Show at the audio below.