You Won't Believe How Adele Gets On Stage Every Night

Legit or not, it's blown our minds.

13 March 2017

Adele winds up her MASSIVE run of Aussie shows tonight, in Adelaide of all places… all two short weeks after getting the party started right here in Perth.

Amongst all the online and social love for the songstress, who will no doubt leave our shores with many more fans than before, there’s a video that’s surfaced that has us all talking.

In it, an entourage of security staff flank a box on wheels, as it’s wheeled to, and whisked under Adele’s stage.

Apparently, according to a few reports, the contents inside the box are none other than Adele herself.

We’re read a few reports online and the suggestion is Adele sits inside the box, with an iPad for company. It’s then transported by security from the dressing room to the stage.

It’s sweaty, slightly uncomfortable and not very glamourous. But hey, it works, and apparently Adele is down-to-earth enough to repeat the process day in, day out.

Written by: @dantheinternut