You Win Some....................


13 March 2017

Cliff Reeve

It was like watching a plane crash which you knew was going to happen.


All the polls, well most of them in the last few weeks, told us we were headed for a change of government in Western Australia, and now that doomed plane has come crashing to the ground, and lies, shattered, peices of the corpse everywhere.


Every political observer was aware of what was going to happen, and the government knew it too.


Several months ago the WA cabinet held a breakfast meeting in Dunsborough and now I no longer get up at stupid o'clock to go to work I was able to attend.


The Premier outlined a number of acheivements of his government and then it was questions from the floor.


None. So I stood up to ask my question which I had been discussing with mates for a very long time. 


"Yes Premier, there have been good times but how worried are you about the It's Time factor?"


Mumurs from the floor and faithful in the room.


Mr Barnett to his immense credit, instead of dancing around the question, actually agreed and acknowledged it was going to be tough, very tough.


And so it was.


Colin Barnett summed up the vox populi Saturday night when he opened his concession speech by stating the obvious, politics is a harsh and brutal business.


He could have done a Hillary Clinton and sent everybody home from the wake but he stood outside that door, probably held his wife Lyn's hand just a little tighter, put on his biggest smile and walked through the blaze of camera lights and cell phones to the podium.


If you think that doesn't take cantalope sized cajones, think again. 


Not the first time that walk has been taken, and one day Mark McGowan will retrace the steps.


They won't always get it right, who knows, they might stuff it up completly, they may have ushered in a new prosperity.


To the victor belong the spoils and now a new political cycle begins.

