YOP POP UPS Hall Of Fame!

Nominate Now!

8 May 2019

Do you know a young person aged 12-25 who needs to be recognised for their awesomeness?

Nominate yourself or someone you know NOW here

Regional Youth Support Services, in partnership with FaCS Youth Opportunities funding, are about to launch the YOP Pop UP’s Hall Of Fame - an online gallery of amazing Central Coast young people whose achievements deserve to be recognised and celebrated.

We need your help in finding these unsung young heroes and heroines of Aboriginal cultural, sport, art, industry, volunteering, music and magnificence, including true battlers who have faced the odds and come out swinging.

This is the good news story that will keep on giving; peer to peer mentoring, young achievers inspiring other young people to realise their potential, explore alternative routes to employment, training and success.

This is a project to celebrate and salute what our local young people achieve every day. Their sacrifices, commitment, hard work and motivation.

Who better to inspire and inform their peers?

So, if you know of a young Coastie, aged 12-25, who has achieved wonders worthy of the YOP Pop Ups Hall of Fame, who deserves a platform to be celebrated, let RYSS BUS know NOW here

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