Yaka Dandjoo Events

Reconciliation Bridge Walk 2019

5 February 2020


Grounded in Truth - Walk Together with Courage.

Cross the bridge and all take the next step together.  This year, all Australians are invited to Learn, Share, and Grow – by exploring the past, learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders histories and cultures and developing a deeper understanding of our national story.

Assemble at Wardandi Boodja sculpture at Koombana Bay foreshore to commence the walk over the bridge to the Graham Bricknell Music Shell, Blair Street, Bunbury. 

Finish activities include: Guest Speakers, Morning Tea and Hands Activity.

The event is free and encourages people of all ages to attend.  

If you are interested and want to find out more: visit or call Karen Jetta - 0422 691 694 Angelique Fransen - 0424 159 946