What To Get Done Before You Leave Townsville For Holidays

Make some time to get ready!

18 December 2018

Before you shut the door behind you to head off visiting the fam bam these holidays, there's a few odd jobs that need to be done around your home. 

Top of mind for us in Townsville is the chance of storms. 

They are unpredictable and can hit quickly, so make sure there's nothing laying around in your yard that could become dangerous if picked up by strong winds. 

When summer rain gets super excited it tends to blow in sideways too #talented so make sure you're not leaving your windows open when leaving the house for your end of year holidays. 

Leaving your home secured as well is key! 

Locking windows and doors (yes we know you'd do it anyway- but some of us forget!) is a MUST, and ask a trusted neighbour to take in your mail in, so the rest of the public can't easily spot that your house is vacant. 

Stats say that 54% of regional dwellers are more likely than those in the city to tell their trusted neighbours about their travel plans, so don't be shy!

We love writing lists, and here's another one... 

Create a contents inventory list of important items in your house- so in the unfortunate situation of a break in, you'll be able to dot your I's and cross your T's. 

If there's room on your phone, take a snap of every room in your house and the outdoor spots too. 

If you want to be super prepared for your time away, use an online contents insurance calculator to help you work out the value of your home contents and review your insurance policies annually or after major purchases and the Christmas gift giving season, including adding new and portable items such as mobile phones, jewellery and bicycles.