We've Translated The Pom's So That The True Blue Aussies Can Understand Them


18 October 2017

We both technically speak English... But the Poms and us Aussies have a very different way of going about it... So we've done the translations for you.l

Geezer - A bloke 

Do one's nut - Getting pissed off

Bird - Young woman 

Mortal - Drunk

The Gaffer - The boss (or your wife)

Gutted - Disappointed

Lag - A convict (or an Aussie)

Honk - Spew or vomit

Nob - Person with a high social status or a snob

Rozzer - A copper

Bollocks - Useless Sh*t

Spend a penny - To use the toilet

Tosser - Idiot

Chuffed - Happy or pleased

Barmy - crazy or insane

Ace - You little beauty

Grub - food

Kip - sleep

Snog - Kiss

Madting - Something that's awesome

Innit - to agree with someone/something