WATCH: US Politician Rips A Fart During An Interview So Lethal That It's Now On The FBI's Most Wanted List

Sound on for this one.

19 November 2019

Ryan Warren

A politician in the US has dropped a ferocious fart while conducting a live TV interview.

The man in question, Eric Swalwell, a Democrat Congressman from California, had earlier this year announced he’d be seeking the Democratic Party Nomination for President in 2020.

However, in July, he dropped out of the presidential race.

Today, in November, he dropped  out something else...a ferocious fart while conducting a live interview on MSNBC's Hardball program.

You're going to want to make sure the sound is ON for this video:

I mean, he even paused what he was saying for half a second to let that monster out of his cage.