Watch: Bus Completely Ruins Weather Channel's Live Video Of Arena Demolition

They've had a 'mare...

21 November 2017

The beauty of live television is that sometimes things can go wrong.

And The Weather Channel over in the US are the latest victims of the difficulties of live TV.

The Georgia Dome, former home of NFL franchise the Atlanta Falcons, was set to be demolished with a large, planned implosion.

The Weather Zone were on the scene, having set up their camera in the perfect place to capture all the fireworks of the demolition; they had the best spot to watch it and live stream it to their audience.

Then, just as the implosion started to take place, a bus casually drives in front of the camera, blocking the theatrical implosion for the cameras view, pausing just long enough to block almost the entire thing.

Safe to say from the commentary in the video The Weather Channel's staff weren't too happy with the bus driver...

Of course, it's gone viral, and of course, the responses have been right on-point.




Fortunately, someone was on the other side and captured it sans bus.