Want funds for your sport or community group?

Give it a boost with Jacob Toyota!

19 May 2020

When you’ve built your business and raised your family in a community you love, there comes a time when you want to show your appreciation by giving back. That’s exactly what Jacob Toyota is aiming to do with their reciprocal sponsorship fund.  

For over 40 years, they’ve seen first-hand just how hard our local groups work to keep the lights on. They themselves know the invaluable contribution our homegrown sports and community groups make to locals. So, they’ve figured out a way to help pump some extra funds into these organisations… with your help!

Jacob Toyota want to help local sporting and community groups – will yours be one of them?

The process is about as easy as it gets! Your group’s president gets the ball rolling by registering your involvement. After that, every time a member of your group chooses Jacob Toyota for servicing or purchasing, they contribute to your group’s pot. And check out these generous figures! For every service (and that’s of any vehicle – doesn’t have to be a Toyota!), $40 is donated towards your club.  Decide to go with a used car or new model from Jacob Toyota’s quality range? That’s a chunky $300 in the kitty… per car! Be sure that members mention their affiliation to your group at time of payment. 

The dollars sure can accrue. Just ask Wodonga Diamonds Football Club. They joined the program at its inception and have raised more than $1500 each year for five years to help support their club. Raising funds for you team AND getting top-notch attention for your car? Well, ain’t that just a win-win!

These are strange and unpredictable times in which we currently live and Jacob Toyota can’t wait to land a helping hand. Any sporting club or community group can join – you just need to click here and register

Jacob Toyota – part of and for The Border community.