WA's Fave Pizza Topping Revealed Ahead Of World Pizza Day

Didn't see that one coming

7 February 2020


This Sunday is World Pizza Day (yes, it's a thing) and the stats are out on which pizzas reign as WA's faves.

Food delivery service Menulog have released the data and across the country, Margherita has come out on top as the most popular type of pizza across the nation (13.4%), followed closely by Meatlovers (13.3%) and Hawaiian (12%).

However, here in WA, the data is skewed slightly. Here in WA, Meatlovers is the most popular pizza.

Another little stat that caught our fancy is the following:

Top most popular additional pizza toppings:

  1. Pineapple
  2. Anchovies
  3. Mushroom

Top most removed pizza toppings:

  1. Olives
  2. Pineapple
  3. Onion

Pineapple hey? Can't win, can't lose.

Elissa MacNeall and @dantheinternut have a brand new podcast talking everything Perth! Check it out.