Volunteer Recruitment Workshop in Esperance

Weds August 29 Esperance Civic Centre

21 August 2018

A helpful and handy workshop for all organisations that use and need volunteers to guarantee their success. This interactive and informative presentation and discussion aims to focus on the younger generation, and how to attract retain and work with them, answering the following questions:

  • Why All Generations Don’t Volunteer Equally?
  • Do you find it hard to engage younger volunteers? What makes them tick and why are they different to other generations?

Participants will learn be given useful information on how successful organisations are able to attract younger volunteers, the generational expectations of the volunteer experience, and how to future-proof your organisation. 

Course delivered by Gilda Davies - Manager of Training & Development at Volunteering WA. For more information or booking please contact Caitlin Edwards on 9072 0346.