Urgent Warning: If You Have 'Big Penis USA' Pills, Stop Taking Them ASAP

'Pose a serious risk to your health'

2 November 2018


A warning has been issued by authorities regarding a popular tablet sold on the internet which claims to boost male sexual function.

The Big Penis USA tablet packaging claims that it is an 'all natural' herbal supplement, however the Therapeutic Goods Administration has warned that it contains 'undeclared substances' which pose a serious health risk.

This includes sildenafil (active ingredient in Viagra), and chloramphenicol - an antibiotic once used to treat plague.

The antibiotic agent is also said to be a threat to your gut health due to its strength.

"Consumers are advised that sildenafil and chloramphenicol are prescription-only substances in Australia,” the TGA said in a safety advisory.

"The supply of Big Penis USA tablets containing undisclosed sildenafil and chloramphenicol is illegal.

"Big Penis USA tablets post a serious risk to your health and should not be taken."

The TGA is currently working with the Australian Border Force to ensure that all future shipments of the tablets are stopped.

It is understood that they are commonly found online on sites such as eBay.

Anyone with the tablets at home is urged to stop taking the tablets and dispose of them.