Turns Out An "Exotic Bird" Spotted In The UK Was Actually Just A Seagull Covered In Curry


8 July 2019

Ryan Warren

An "exotic bird" discovered on the side of a UK motorway was actually just a run-of-the-mill seagull covered in curry.

The 'new, exotic, phoenix-looking' bird was spotted on the side of the A41 motorway by passers-by who phoned the local animal hospital to assist in their inquiries.

But after a quick inspection from the hospital staff, it was ascertained that the exotic bird was in fact a seagull that had a run-in with a curry.

There is absolutely no explanation as to how the bird became covered in the curry, what can be ascertained however is that it must have been bloody tasty.

The gull was bathed by the staff at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital and released back into the wild, curry free.