Toowoomba Revealed as Queensland’s Single Parent Capital

$1 million plus in welfare fortnightly

5 March 2019

Toowoomba has a new title: “Queensland's Single-parent Capital’ and it comes at great cost to the taxpayer.

The hefty price at taxpayers expense is more than $1 million in welfare payments each fortnight.

Toowoomba topped the list followed by areas of the Gold Coast and several coastal regional centres, all recording high numbers of single parents, predominantly women, who are claiming the welfare benefit.

Image: 9 News Queensland

Most single-parent collectors are aged 25-34 years but alarmingly there are almost 2500 aged 16-20 years receiving single-parent payments.

It’s reported that most stay on the single parent payment for between five and ten years. The average duration for receiving the payments is 194 weeks, nearly four years.

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