Toowoomba - Older and Richer

Says the latest Census data

23 July 2017

Latest Census data released shows Toowoomba locals are earning more than they were 5 years ago - but we’re still behind the national average.

According to Census figures weekly income in Toowoomba has increased by $188 a week to $1231 with the national average being $1438.

The average median age in Toowoomba has risen from 36 to 37.

And English is still the dominate language spoken in Toowoomba, followed by Arabic.

Toowoomba has more residents with the number of people in the city of Toowoomba having grown by 4501 – 102,244 increasing to 106,745.  Females make up the majority of the numbers with 55,748 while there are 51,003 males.