This Is The Most Dangerous Day For Commuters On Sydney Road

Time take the bus

8 November 2017


Wednesdays are the most dangerous day for commuters to drive on NSW roads.

Road fatalities are up 75 per cent on Wednesdays compared to last year, state government officials have revealed and it’s a trend that’s on the rise.

There have been 54 fatalities on a Wednesday this year, while only 36 on the roads for the same period last year.

An analysis shows this trend has been increasing for some time – to the point researchers use the term Deadly Wednesdays.

Centre for Road Safety executive director Bernard Carlon said the Wednesday phenomenon to it being a busy work day. There were more people "doing tasks, being out on the roads, and doing jobs", which increased their exposure to risk.

Despite this, Saturday remains the most busy day for drivers across seven days.