This Bloke Has Been Documenting His Farts At Work For More Than Six Months

His name? Paul Flart

22 August 2018

Paul Flart/ Instagram

If you've ever dismissed Instagram for being the home of 20-something-year-old models spruiking teeth whiteners and trips to the Maldives, welcome to the account that'll shatter all your preconceptions.

Joining the hallowed ranks of the Dim Sim King account and the account collecting Australia's greatest hats is Paul Flart, a security guard who has been documenting his farts for more than six months.

A quick glance through his feed proves that the rules seem pretty simple; Flart has to a) be at work and b) be staring straight into the camera while he lets off.

What's almost as commendable as his commitment to the gag is his moustache upkeep.

Here's a small selection of his greatest hits, kicking off with the very first toot.

While struggling with volume issues:

A little late night number:

And, as is sometimes the case when you're relying on something so... so... unpredictable for content, one with little gas:

For more methane-reliant updates, you can follow Paul Flart on Instagram or Facebook.