Things you can do while waiting on-hold with Centrelink!

On average it's 15 mins!

24 January 2018

A recent report released by Centrelink has revealed that an average on-hold time to the agency will take 15 minutes and 44 seconds, 35 seconds longer than it was this time last year. That;s a long time to be listening to that horrible, piano, on-hold music. 

Although this was the average other callers generally had to wait longer:

- Callers trying to make disability, sickness and carer payments had to wait for 28 minutes,

- Employment hotline callers waited for half an hour,

- and students were left on-hold for 31 minutes. 

There are plenty of things that you can do in 15 minutes... and even more you can do in half an hour! I suggest these:

1. Walk for seven and a half minutes along the beach, turn around and come back the other way.

2. Collect you washing including clothes, sheets and towels and put it in the washing machine. 

3. Cook a Jamie Oliver 15 minute meal (not including prep time).

4. Send a length email to a friend detailing your family's recent movements. 

5. Call the bank and open a new low interest savers account. 

Hopefully you don't get stuck on the line to the Centrelink hold music anytime soon!


For more details and other hints consult the Sean for Breakfast Catch Up page here:


For 101 useful things to do in under 15 minutes you can go here:


Hopefully scrolling through these websites will take you less than 15 minutes!

