The Hot Breakfast Explains The Issues With Victoria’s Contact Tracing

"A farce"

16 October 2020

Triple M Newsroom

Image: Getty

Victoria’s Covid-19 contact tracing problems have become a hot button issue, and the Hot Breakfast explained the problems at length and took calls on the matter this morning.


“This goes straight to the heart of what’s happening… this is an insider, as I said, with intimate knowledge of DHHS (the Department of Health and Human Services), and he’s just told me that contact tracing in Victoria is still a farce, and has not improved since the start of May,” Luke Darcy said.

“Let me take you through in some detail… my understanding, we’re all aware of what happened in Chadstone and the butcher shop, but it started, I believe, with a cleaner, Ed, and [they] went to work unknowingly with the virus, despite the fact there was a virus in her house.

“And what this insider is saying is that the four day delay still in contact tracing means that people are still inadvertently going to work and spreading the virus when the systems should allow us to very very quickly, humanely, and accurately get to people, get to them in their house, we have got access to the ADF, we have got access to Victoria police, to get to people much, much quicker and then explain to them where they need to stay so they do not leave their house and we don’t get to that situation in the first place.”

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Darc said that it was important not to get caught up in blaming individuals for outbreaks, and that DHHS was a bigger issue.

“We’ve got to be really careful demonising one individual about this, who has I now understand got serious mental health issues on the back of being demonised and feels horrible about this,” he said.

“But why was he driving around the state in the first place? Why did he end up going through Kyneton, why did he end up down in Shepparton?

“Because he would’ve stayed home had he have known and had he been contact traced effectively, so that is the huge issue.

“It’s a failure in the contact tracing, and it’s a failure in DHHS, the same group that oversaw hotel quarantine and now the same group charged with working our way through contact tracing.”

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