The Guide To Being The Best Mate A Bloke Can Be

To Mates

14 July 2017

Mates. Where would you be without them?

Blokes are getting better at telling our mates how important they are to us. And they are important. They keep us sane, they tell us when we’re being idiots, and they have an arm round the shoulder when things have gone to crap.

They’re also there to enjoy the best times. They wouldn’t be the best times without your mates.

Just as you value them, they need you too.

Being the best mate you can be doesn’t need a guidebook or manual. It just takes being there and staying in contact. Remembering to drop them a text or give them a call, even if it’s their turn and it’s been ages.

Here’s 10 things you can do to be the best mate a bloke can be:

  • Keep it real. No one like fake-ness – plus it’s exhausting. Don’t keep things inside, say what you mean and say it how you want to say it. Not only do your mates appreciate it (eventually), it’s healthier for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. If you’re feeling bad, say it. If you messed up, admit it. If your mates did, your reaction would be an arm round the shoulder – so will theirs be.
  • And you don’t have to say something to be a good listener. Just sit there, maintain eye contact, and when they’re done, ask if they want advice before just leaping in with it.
  • That also goes for receiving advice. Sometimes your mates might be trying to tell you something important. Don’t be too defensive, listen and consider it before acting (because, to be fair, it might not automatically be right either)
  • Trust works both ways. Be trustworthy and keep your mates secrets, but also be prepared to open up and give them the chance to keep your secrets.
  • Be realistic. No one’s perfect. Even your best mates. They probably don’t expect you to be either. As long as you’re doing your best for them, it really won’t matter if you sometimes fall short.
  • Come through in a clutch. Lift to the airport; babysitting their kids; helping with some DIY; shouting them a beer; it can be big or small. As long as you’re there to make a difference when your mate needs it most.
  • Drop by unannounced. Doesn’t have to be too often. Just every now and then, pick up a couple of six packs and swing by your mates place to catch up and shoot the shit. PS: when you’re done. If there’s beers left over, don’t take them with you.
  • Find something dumb to do together. Sharing a laugh is the best thing you can do with a mate, so find something you’d never normally do together for guaranteed lols.
  • Remember that mates can be girls and your family too. Young, old, female, male, whatever. Friends come in every form. Even animals.

There For You When You Need An Airport Pick Up

There To Bring You A Burger When You Really Need One

There For You When You’re At The Top

There For You When You’re Down In The Dumps

There For You’re In The Mud

There For You On The Big Days

There For You When You Fancy A Road Trip

 There For You When You’re Rocking A Dubious Hat

There For You When You Want To Do Something Stupid

There For You When You Need A Holiday

There For You When You Need To Get Away From It All