The Exercise Taking Shepparton By Storm

Check out the active revolution!

12 July 2019

In association with Goulburn Valley Cross Fit

As the weather cools and we pull out the old jumpers and jackets from the back of the closet, it’s time to prepare for the dreaded cold and flu season.

We all know the value of vitamin C as a means of fighting sickness and staying healthy, but we’re often guilty of ignoring one of the best-known immune system boosters out there – regular exercise.

And do we have the hottest exercise in town for you…

CrossFit is the fitness regimen that has taken the world, Shepparton included, by storm.

If you’ve been living under an exercise phenomenon-shaped rock for the better part of the last 20 years, CrossFit is a general strength and conditioning program that combines elements of weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, calisthenics and all aspects of athletics.

Think of it as the seafood of buffet of workout regimes – it’s a little bit of everything and nothing but the best. Or, just have a look at this...

Here’s the big news… From Monday May 6th, Shepparton locals will be able to nab a six-week trial membership for only $40 a week at renowned local “box” Goulburn Valley CrossFit. This includes up to three group sessions per week plus three fundamentals sessions.

“Awesome bunch of people! Everyone is super supportive, positive and encouraging. I actually enjoy working out now!”

- Tanya, Goulburn Valley CrossFit member

It’s the fundamentals sessions that are going to give you the edge as a newbie, as they are vital one-on-one or small group classes where you’ll be walked through how to make sure your training technique is safe and correct. Once you have the basics down, you can participate in any of the group sessions on offer. This is where you’ll really start to see results.

A family friendly community-based business, Goulburn Valley CrossFit specialises not only in regular CrossFit group sessions but also personal training, weightlifting and powerlifting, kids and teens classes and is a Todd Group Self Defence Depot.

“Wonderfully supportive environment. Fantastic coach. Great people. Amazing amenities.”

- Jaye, Goulburn Valley CrossFit member

All of their coaches are trained, qualified and are ready to take your personal fitness to the next level. It’s the perfect place to get healthy, make friends and be part of a vibrant and exciting community. Sessions run both before and after work as well as weekends so, no matter your schedule, you’ll be able to find a time that works for you.

Shake off the daily grind this flu season and get yourself fighting fit at Shepparton’s original CrossFit box.

There’s never been a better time to sign up, improve your energy and boost your health, no matter if you’re an absolute beginner or a seasoned athlete. We’ll see you there!

Group sessions are held Monday and Thursday at 6am, 5pm and 6pm; Tuesday and Wednesday at 6am, 9.30am, 5pm and 6pm; Friday at 6am and 5.30pm; and Saturday and public holidays at 8.30am.

Sign up for the $40/week six week trial membership today by clicking here or calling 0421 766 044.