The Cannery and Kyza Presents drops its WINTER MUSIC PROGRAM

keeping you toasty warm this winter

23 May 2019

Sean Lindsay

Courtesy Esperance Express

The Cannery’s Winter Music Program has dropped and it looks like things are really heating up well into September!

The Cannery Arts Centre, Kyza Presents and the Rotary Club of Esperance Bay have all combined to concoct a program with four Open Mics, four FREE workshops and four intimate, ‘Club 75’ events, with a firm focus on promoting local talent.

Each month from June to September will feature one of these events providing a great avenue for Esperance musicians to cultivate their skills, and also deliver an outlet for art lovers to get their musical fix.

Kyza from Kyza Presents broke the news on the Sean for Breakfast Show Thursday morning, 13 minutes into the audio.


Kyza adopted the formulate to give up and coming local artists a pathway to their professional music dream, learning important skills at the workshops, moving on to practice at the Open Mic events before embarking on paid, intimate gigs.

The workshops will be hosted by Jon Carlson (web design), Kieran Doherty (live sound), Kyza himself (booking and promoting) and the finally Paul McDowell (guitar technique)

Paul McDowell, who will be performing at the final Club 75 in September, is a professional musician from Perth, and the only out of towner for the collection of events. 

The first Open Mic is on June 14, check for more times and dates. Contact the Cannery if you want to put your hand up and have a warble at the Open Mics.

The Cannery is where it’s at this winter!