Targa Rallies Mates

completing is a win for these mates

28 January 2022

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As the mighty Targa Tasmania rolls into Hobart for it's completion this weekend a group of mates are winners no matter what place they finish.

This group of veterans have completed the Targa Tasmania as part of the Mates4Mates Team.

The six-day rally was part of a program supported by Mates4Mates through the Adventure Challenges service, which help veterans step out of their comfort zone and increase their confidence.

Mates4Mates Tasmania Manager Stephen Knox says the event has helped veterans build individual skills, but also emphasise the importance of team work.

Mr Knox said “These guys have been rallying for the last six days and working together to overcome challenges and make sure they finish the race,”

“It’s important that veterans have access to opportunities like this, as it all contributes to their recovery when they transition from Defence,” he said.

Driver Kim Ewart said the team had worked extremely well together over the past week and the experience was a once in a lifetime for the Mates involved.

“It’s been great to partner with Mates4Mates to help our veterans and as a veteran myself it’s a cause that means a lot to me and I’ve really enjoyed getting to work with the team to complete this challenge,” Mr Ewart said.

This is the second time the Mates4Mates car has competed in the Targa Tasmania race, with a team also competing last year.

Mates4Mates supports our current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force