Tamworth Country Music Festival All Systems GO for 2020

despite ongoing drought conditions

13 August 2019

Shania Twang

Image: Tamworth Country Music Festival/Facebook 2017 Lee Kernaghan

The music will go on!

Despite ongoing drought conditions throughout NSW, Tamworth Country Music Festival Manager, Barry Harley announced last week #TCMF2020 will go ahead as planned!

A statement from Tamworth Regional Council reads:

"The Toyota Country Music Festival draws up to 50,000 people to the region each day during the Festival’s ten days in January. Bearing in mind the current circumstances Council has revisited the most current water consumption statistics and found that there is minimal difference between consumption during Festival and other days in January.

As this same influx of visitors adds more than $50M to the economy, the Festival must proceed to support local business community during these especially difficult economic times.

Visitors to the region will be expected to follow water restrictions just like any resident and will be subject to the same enforcement activities if they are seen breaching restrictions.

Council will continue to find innovative ways to support our water supply during the event and water education campaigns will be implemented to raise awareness of water conservation for both visitors and residents alike.

Tamworth Town Water Supply Consumption Statistics from January

Consumption = ML/d (megalitres per day)

The festival will run from Friday January 17 through to Sunday January 26, 2020 - 10 days of country music, what more could you ask for!

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