Street Athletics Is Coming Back Next Year!

Calling athletics lovers

5 February 2020

Jessica Ambler

Street Athletics will be coming back to the City of Bunbury with the installation of Go Geo's Street Pole Vault competition.

The grand event will be held on January 11th in 2020, bringing some fresh excitement to the community but this time with a $30,000 event grant to make it that much better.

This will be the second year for Street Athletics, which was first held 2nd of March this year and a roaring success.

Event organiser Dylan Panizza has teased next year's event will have a more "international flavour", so I'm sure we're in for a lot of excitement when January rolls around.

So there you have it, January plans sorted! Does watching athletics count as my New Year's resolution exercise?

Let's get out there and support the athletics community and enjoy all of the excitement while the City of Bunbury continues to flourish.