Staggering Research Shows The Number Of Mental Health Days Taken By Aussies

Nearly 50% of GenY workers take leave

2 November 2017

Research has revealed that approximately 3.74 million Australians used at least one day of their sick leave for mental health reasons in the last 12 months.

This study by surveyed over 2000 people and found that 31 per cent of employees cited stress or mental health leave in the last year, which has had a $881 million impact on the economy.

Forty-four per cent of 'Generation Y' employees used their sick leave for mental health reasons, compared to 11 per cent of working baby boomers.

Furthermore, women were more likely to take time off for stress than men, and there is not a big disparity between full time and part time workers in these figures.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, some companies have taken to including several days of specific mental health leave in their contracts, with staff encouraged to focus on overall wellbeing.