South Australia Police target seatbelt misuse in latest operation

Operation Belt Up.

8 September 2019

Ewan Grant

South Australia Police will spend the next three days targeting drivers and their passengers who fail to wear a seatbelt through Operation Belt Up.

Police will have a highly visible presence in various locations in both metropolitan and regional areas across the state to encourage drivers and their passengers to wear their seatbelt.

More than 60 detections were recorded earlier this year when the Operation successfully ran in July.

Failure to wear a seatbelt is one of the leading causes of death and serious injury in motor vehicle collisions, and passengers are ten times more likely to be killed in a crash if they’re not wearing one.

In 2019 South Australia Police attribute 11 fatalities (14 per cent) to people who weren’t wearing a fitted seatbelt. Last year 16 per cent of driver and passenger fatalities were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.

Despite this information, some motorists are still failing to belt up behind the wheel.

“Not wearing a seatbelt as a driver or a passenger puts your life at risk, it’s a simple as that,” said Superintendent Robert Gray, the officer in charge of the Traffic Support Branch.

“Not wearing a seatbelt significantly increases the chances of fatality or serious injury if someone is involved in a crash.

"Drivers should be wearing their seatbelt during every trip, and they should also be encouraging their passengers to do the same.

“There’s also concern for children who aren’t being properly restrained in a vehicle, with some parents and guardians prematurely moving them to a seatbelt when it’s not appropriate for their size.

“A child that is properly secured is less likely to be injured or killed in a car crash than a child who isn’t.

“While we want to educate drivers about seatbelts and restraints, we also will not tolerate the misuse of them during this operation, or during any other day.”

Operation Belt Up will end at midnight on Wednesday 11 September.