Someone's Getting The Sack Over This Blue Wiggle Toy Design

"Give it a Wiggle"

20 December 2017

Brown Cardigan/ Instagram

Christmas shopping is, undoubtedly, one of the worst things about December so you can't blame Nano Martinez for at least trying to make it a little more enjoyable.

The Newcastle resident found a design flaw in a Blue Wiggle doll while at a toy store last week and decided to give it a bit of tweak.

"Boys will be boys," he told The Daily Mail. "I think the stick itself already looked a bit suspect."

Yes, that flesh-coloured thing is supposed to be a drumstick. It was only a matter of time, really.

Martinez's photo was shared on Instagram by Brown Cardigan - aptly captioned "Get ready to Wiggle" - and has been racking up likes and comments ever since.

"Now THAT'S how to wake up Jeff," one follower wrote.