Someone Has Reworked 'The Silence Of The Lambs' Into A Rom-Com

"The romantic comedy of the year"

6 February 2018

Ryan Warren

If the internet is good for one thing, it's reminding us that some people have too much time on their hands.

And that is never more obvious than now, with someone reworking the 1991 thriller The Silence Of The Lambs into a romantic comedy.

YouTube channel CineFix uploaded the reworked trailer with the following caption: 

The 1991 classic is such a thrilling crime drama but wouldn't it be as creepy and (quite frankly) hilarious if Hannibal Lecter fell in love with Detective Starling?

The original film follows Jodie Foster's character Detective Clarice Stirling who is sent to interview crazed psychiatrist Hannibal Lector (Sir Anthony Hopkins) who is serving life behind bars for various acts of murder and cannibalism.

Now we're no experts on love, but that doesn't really lend itself to a romantic comedy...