Sean Shares The Pranks The Fooled Him This April Fools Day

Did you get fooled?

23 September 2019

In Association With Shepparton RSL

April 1st is the official day set aside in which we throw everyone under the interrogation lamp and expose whether or not they're gullible.

Some of us breezed through the pranks and silliness without a second glance, some barely scraped through to midnight with their dignity, and others - like Sean - weren't so lucky... 

But it's easier to look back and laugh than to look back and cry, and so in the spirit of the season, Sean decided to share some of the posts that fooled him yesterday. 

1. A warning to local dog owners... 

2. Limited edition Emu Bush cider to be sold at Liquor Barons?

3. Sean was fooled by his own Triple M family with the announcement of a new breakfast duo

Did you fall for a prank this April Fools? Let us know in the Facebook comments!