Scottish Bloke Named 'Cam' Sick Of Starbucks Mistaking His Name For Cum

A flat white with one for Cum please.

21 March 2018

Ryan Warren

Spare a thought for this bloke in Scotland who just wants a coffee without being harassed.

Cam Ashmall, has gone public with complaint that Starbucks staff are deliberately getting his name wrong and writing 'Cum' on his disposable coffee cup, rather than his actual name.

He believes he's the victim of an elaborate stitch up where baristas are deliberately making the 'a' in his name look like a 'u'.

And he's taken to Twitter to make his complaint public.

Tweeting the chain last week with a picture of one 'Cum' cup he'd received, Cam said: "Starbucks, can you please train your employees to just capitalise their 'As'?

"I'm tired of having to carry a cum latte around Edinburgh."

Spare a thought for Cum, all he wants is a flat white with one.