REVEALED: The Ingenious Hack To Hide The Ice Cream From The Kiddos

No kid likes peas!

9 October 2020


Sick of the kiddies stealing your ice-cream?

This morning, Clairsy, Matt and Kymba revealed a genius hack developed by Häagen-Dazs. Ladies and gentlemen, TROJAN PEAS!

"Brilliantly named Trojan Peas, from the Trojan Horse myth, where something was hidden inside, and that's what's hidden inside, your ice cream,

"Of course, kids' going 'I hate peas', well hello, that's why you're not going to go inside that bag."


Apparently, around 41% of us hide treats in our home. So clearly, we live amongst treat thieves. It gets even worse if you're a parent, with over half (57 percent) of Aussie mums and dads admitting they have to hide their treats from their kids.

To get your hands on a packet of limited edition Trojan Peas, you just have to purchase any pint of Häagen-Dazs and share a photo to @haagendazsau on Instagram #haagendazsoclock. Häagen-Dazs will then send you a packet (terms and conditions apply).


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Written by: @dantheinternut