Quitting Smoking – Should You Get Professional Help?

Help is available!

23 February 2017

If you’ve ever thought about quitting smoking you’ll know it’s a daunting task. A million questions run through your brain…

What’s the best method: cold turkey? Hypnosis? Patches?

Should I avoid settings like casual drinks with smoker friends to avoid temptation?

What can I do to fight the cravings?

Is it just too hard?

Have you ever considered professional help?

Triple M are teaming up with the NSW Government and the Cancer Institute of NSW, to promote the benefits of quitting smoking.

This morning Lu & Matt spoke to Coleman, a professional advisor from Quitline.

Coleman’s top tips:

Identify the benefits: it’s not only good for your personal health, but that of your family. Did you know that children of smokers are twice as likely to take up the habit?

Also think how it will benefit your bank balance – a pack a day smoker spends on average $7,500 a year on smokes! Imagine the holiday you could have with that type of money!


Seek professional help: people who have professional help are more likely to successfully quit. Quitline can offer resources, support and advice to help you on your quit smoking journey.


Listen to Lu and Matt’s full chat with Coleman here:


Start your journey to quit smoking for good today. To get free information, tools and advice from a community of supporters to help you quit, head to iCanQuit.com.au, or get support and advice from a professional Advisor, call Quitline on 13 7848.