Queensland Cars Most Vulnerable at Home

Recent RACQ report reveals

17 August 2018

Queensland motorists have been warned to better protect their cars when at home, as new RACQ insurance data revealed thefts were most likely to occur in driveways, garages or nearby streets.

RACQ spokesperson Kirsty Clinton said in more than 55 percent of all car theft claims received by the insurer, vehicles had been stolen from the owner’s property, or the immediate vicinity.

“In recent years we’ve seen an increase in the number of car thefts occurring from homes, or from the street in front,” Ms Clinton said.

“We’re concerned people are becoming complacent with car security at home and this has led to the increase.

“Even in your driveway you should lock your car, keep the windows up and hide valuables from view, the same as you would if you were parked anywhere else.”

Ms Clinton said with vehicle security technology improving, car keys are now becoming the target of many thieves.

“Don’t leave keys hanging beside the front door, or in a bowl under an open window,” she said.

“The best place for them is near you or hidden somewhere out of sight.

“We’ve heard too many reports recently of cars being stolen because the home was broken into or entered via an unlocked door or window, and the keys were simply picked up and the car driven away.

“By taking simple steps to protect your keys you can also reduce the risk of having car stolen.”

Queensland car theft claims by location (1 July 2015–30 June 2018):

  1. Home address or immediate vicinity – 55 percent
  2. Other location – 39 percent
  3. Retail car park – six percent

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