Prevent Crime, Protect Your Belongings


17 December 2019

In Association with Victoria Police

Come on people, lock your doors and windows!

According to Victoria Police, new data has revealed around one out of three residential burglaries in the Greater Shepparton region showed 'no signs of forced entry'. 

In line with this revelation, Police have announced the 'Don't Give Crime A Key' initiative, with the goal to encourage people to make it harder for theft to occur in the first place.

Police are reminding locals it's everyone's responsibility to look out for the community and keep it safe. 

"Crime prevention is actually everyone’s responsibility. Every day, there are simple steps each of us can take to prevent crime and keep our property safe. Thefts can occur at any time, so it’s important not to present easy opportunities for thieves.”

- Shepparton Inspector Troy Hargadon

So remember to lock your doors and protect your belongings! 

Click HERE for more information about how you can increase community safety in your neighbourhood.

 This initiative is part of the Community Safety Networks Project.