Pornhub Has Released The Top Searches Of 2018 And A LOT Of You Are Feeling Fortnite Porn

Fappy Christmas!

13 December 2018


'Tis the most wonderful time of the year indeed; Pornhub has released their 2018 year in review and oh boy are you lot keen for Fortnite porn.

According to stats pulled by the adult entertainment site, searches for the hit video game skyrocketed this year, taking it from "obscurity" to one of the top 20 searches of the last 12 months.

No doubt some of those numbers were helped by a 60 per cent surge in "Fortnite" searches in a 24-hour period when Fortnite's servers crashed in April.

"Searches like these serve as an indication that people use this site to not only satisfy sexual urges but also to get a different angle on something they are already interested in," Dr Laurie Betito, Direcor of the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Centre, said.

"To see a famous character or hot topic in a sexual context."

Red Dead Redemption also became a top search after its release in October - as did "Wild West" and "Western". 

It should come as absolutely no surprise that Stormy Daniels topped the list of searches that defined 2018; the pornstar - who allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump - saw surges in searches each time she was in the news.

She also qualified as the most searched for female pornstar of 2018 and the most searched for celebrity, with more than 30 million searches.

Which is all well and good but, with 33.5 BILLION visits to Pornhub this year, was there ever a point we weren't looking at porn?

Bizarrely, the Royal Wedding - yes, the Royal Wedding, caused a 10 per cent drop in worldwide traffic, while the Academy Awards saw average footfall decrease by six per cent.

Can't say you lot don't have diverse interests.

Sporting events also, unsurprisingly, affect Pornhub; the Super Bowl saw a massive drop of 26 per cent across the US, while traffic from France and Croatia dropped by 55 per cent and 66 per cent respectively during the FIFA World Cup.

Drilling down (sorry) to Australia and not a whole lot changed with regards to our top searches in 2018 - think "lesbian", "MILF", "Asian" and "Hentai" - but there was a 146 per cent increase in people looking for "Tinder" porn.

At least fidget spinner porn got the flick, hey?

If you're keen, make sure you have a full read of the report; there are some cracking highlights. Find it here.