Pollies Heavily Criticise QLD Senator For Speech On Muslim Immigration Which Included Nazi Term

Dubbed 'Pauline On Steroids'

15 August 2018

Channel 9

Queensland senator Fraser Anning has copped heavy criticism from both sides of Parliament for his controversial maiden speech, where he called for a plebiscite on Muslim immigration and a return to white Australia policy.

The Katter's Australia Party member - who recently defected from One Nation immediately after being sworn in - also called for a "final solution" to the country's immigration problem, a term previously used by the Nazis when they planned to annihilate Jewish people during World War Two.

"Historically, one immigrant group here and in other western nations that has consistently shown itself to be the least able to assimilate, and integrate, is Muslims," he told parliament on Tuesday.

"The first terrorist act on Australian soil was in 1915 when two Muslim immigrants opened fire on a picnic train of innocent women and children in Broken Hill, and Muslim immigrants have been a problem ever since."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was one of several politicians to criticise Anning's views, posting on Twitter: "Australia is the most successful multicultural society in the world build on a foundation of mutual respect. We reject and condemn racism in any form."

Senator Anning refused to apologise for his comments during an interview with Channel 9's Today Show on Wednesday morning, he also walked out of the chamber as Labor Senator Penny Wong moved a motion condemning the speech.


"Good men died for our right to say whatever we want to say and use whatever words we want to use, if people want to take it out of context that's entirely up to them. It was never meant to denigrade the Jewish community," he said.

"I'm find with what I said and I'll stand by it."