Pollie Takes His Campaign To PornHub With Pop-Up Ads Before Videos

"Half the internet is porn!"

17 May 2019

Deirdre Marie

A Danish politician has gone where no elected official has gone before by taking his campaign to PornHub because that's "where the voters are".

Joachim B. Olsen, a former Olympic medallist, has been a Liberal Alliance MP since 2011 and is determined remain to in office after Denmark's elections on June 5.

And so, in the name of having "a good laugh", an advert now pops up before a user's chosen video, saying: "When you're done wanking, vote for Jokke".

Olsen has since confirmed on his official Facebook page that yes, he is indeed behind the PornHub campaign.

"You need to get out everywhere, so we thought it could be amusing with an ad on PornHub," Olsen said.

"Half the internet is porn and you need to be where the voters are, including a porn site.

"I know that some people will be aghast. You can't say anything today without some people getting upset. I don't take it very seriously.

"Those who know me as a politician know that I am serious, but I have a sense of humour and think this is a good laugh."

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