Pfizer Says Vaccine Is Now Safe For Kids Aged 5-11

Another win for vaccines

20 September 2021

Triple M Newsroom

Pfizer says its COVID vaccine works and is safe for children 5-11-years-old.

The company is seeking approval from US health authorities to have it administered to the age group.

Pfizer tested a much lower dose on primary school-aged children, about a third of the doses currently given, and found that after their second dose they had developed strong coronavirus fighting antibodies.

Pfizer says vaccine is now safe for kids aged 5-11

The Pfizer vaccine is currently being administered to children from 12 years of age, however with the Delta variant proving to be a risk for children, vaccinating school-aged children has become crucial.

It comes as around a million Moderna doses landed in Australia over the weekend however the first jabs are only being distributed now after the TGA gave the batches the all-clear.

Dr. Chris Moy from the AMA says it's great news as we work to get a lid on the outbreak

“It just opens up the number of vaccines and it just gives more outlets for the vaccines. Although we are still short of where we want to be, there has been a massive escalation in the number of vaccines per week.”

For more information on getting your vaccination or getting your children vaccinated, visit

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