Perseverance Dam Has Re-opened

just in time for the heatwave

4 December 2018

Toowoomba Regional Council is happy to announce it has re-opened Perseverance Dam after testing showed water met the required safety standards.

Council previously closed the dam on 7 November, as a precaution, when testing discovered elevated levels of E.Coli bacteria.

E.Coli bacteria represents no risk to drinking water supplies because it is removed by the water treatment and disinfection process, but our dams are different.

Even if a particular dam is not used, but a test shows that levels are too high for primary contact (swimming) or secondary contact (boating) TRC inform Council’s Parks and Recreation Services branch about closing a facility to the public.

Council monitors the three dams on a weekly basis for algae and numerous microbiological parameters including E.Coli. We also test chemical parameters such as iron, manganese, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrate, colour, turbidity and phosphate.

To view activities open or closed at the dams, please head here.

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