Pauline Hanson Says Footage Of One Nation Meeting With NRA Was 'Edited'


28 March 2019

Pauline Hanson has addressed the media following revelations that her One Nation party had meetings with the National Rifle Association in the United States.

It emerged yesterday that an Al Jazeera journalist went undercover in a three-year investigation into US gun lobby strategies, with reporter Rodger Muller infiltrating their ranks and eventually reaching out to One Nation.

Tapes have been released, one of which contained Senator Hanson implying that the Port Arthur massacre could have been a government conspiracy.

Speaking today, Senator Hanson said that the tapes which have since been released by Al Jazeera are "heavily edited".

"Today is a day of shame on the Australian media who have been sold a story that was too good to be true and you took it hook, line and sinker," she said.

"Comments aired have been taken completely out of context.

"Let me make it very clear to the Australian people: I have never sought donations or political guidance from the NRA.

"Rodger Muller and Al Jazeera was responsible for every single orchestrated meeting during my staff's visit to the United States.

"If it wasn't for Rodger Muller and the Islamist Al Jazeera network, One Nation would never have had any association with the NRA."