Our Very Own Bundy Rum Distillery Will Feature On An SBS Documentary!

A look inside the magic

7 March 2019

Amber Lowther

Our very own local treasure, the Bundaberg Rum Distillery, will be opening its doors to SBS documentary series, Megafactories, to air on Monday, March 11 at 6:40pm on SBS Viceland (SBS2)!

We couldn't be more proud to have our rum recognised, especially when episodes prior have shone the spotlight on brands such as Lamborghini, Lego & Boeing! 

Megafactories describes the doco series as: each episode shows us what goes into making some of the world’s most renowned products, placing us at the intersection between human and machine. 

SBS have described the factory as, "The first thing that separates the Bundaberg Distillery from most of the world’s megafactories is its gorgeous, seemingly quaint exterior. An oversized cottage-like façade suggests that all you’d find inside is a handful of staff working a few barrels. The truth is you’d find one of the country’s most elaborate and unique factories."

How proud are you to be a Bundy local right now?! Cheers to that! 

If you can't get to the telly in time for the doco, not to worry! You can catch up on it by flicking on SBS On Demand!