New Drink Driving laws in effect

in Victoria

1 May 2018

New drink driving laws are coming into effect across the border, and will be the toughest in the country.


The TAC tightened up the laws for people on Victorian roads who recording readings between 0.05 and 0.069, those returning these readings will lose their license for a minimum of 6 months


The loss of license comes regardless if it's your first offense.


Those caught drink driving will face mandatory interlock conditions for a minimum of 6 months.


The changes will also see all drink and drug drivers required to participate in a behaviour change program.


The new laws will also affect interstate drivers coming into Victoria and applying for a licence in the State.


The legislation changes are all a part of the State Government's "Towards Zero" strategy; the $1.1 billion strategy to reduce the number of lives lost on our roads by 2020.


For more information on the law change, click the link below!