Mum Accidentally Sends Kid To School With Blow-Up Sex Doll For Nativity Play

"I just can’t believe it"

14 December 2018

Image: Twitter/stilgherrian

In today’s edition of the world’s worst parents, a mother has been left severely embarrassed after she sent her child to school with a sex doll.

Helen Cox brought a blow up sheep from Amazon as part of the costume for five-year-old’s part in the school nativity.

Although, she was left baffled when the doll returned home more than a week before the play, as per the teacher’s instructions.

It was then she realised exactly what she brought when she noticed the doll to have a hole in its bottom.

Image: Amazon

"It was part of his costume and I thought he might have been naughty and snuck it out of school," she told the Daily Mail.

"I just can’t believe it. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

"How am I going to explain this to his teachers?

"I have no idea if they’ve seen it was a sex toy and that’s why they sent it home – I’m mortified!"

However, the doll is now actually her son’s new favourite toy.

"I told him it didn’t look like a proper sheep because it had a moustache, red lipstick and a bow on its head, but he still wanted to play with it," the 46-year-old said.

"He’s probably in his room right now stuffing Lego in the hole."