Mon Repos Turtle Centre Featured On 'Streets Of Your Town' Podcast

Have you visited the Mon Repos turtles?

27 February 2019

Ebony Reeves

Our very own Mon Repos Turtle Centre has had its time in the spotlight after a visit from award-winning journalist Nance Haxton.

Haxton followed up her visit by interviewing ranger in charge Cathy Gatley for her Streets of Your Town podcast series.

In the podcast interview, Cathy shared what she believed was so special about Mon Repos, which is the main nesting point for endangered loggerhead turtles, stating:

"We aim to get people learning about turtles, about conservation... and hopefully people take that knowledge away and do something in their everyday life to help turtles and other marine animals."

With around 30,000 people visiting the conservation each season, Cathy said they are extremely lucky that the turtles are so tolerant of their visits, adding that the activities guests undertake don't disturb the turtles at all. 

"As long as we wait for the right queues and the right times in the process, then we're able to closely view the turtles without having any negative impacts."

Have you visited Mon Repos? Let us know about your experience in the Facebook comments!