Mick Molloy Recalls When Dean Jones 'Took Charge' Of The D-Generation One Morning

"He piped up..."

25 September 2020

Ethan Meldrum

Image: Getty/Triple M

The Friday edition of Kennedy Molloy started on a sombre note, with Mick and Jane paying tribute to champion Australian batsman Dean Jones, who passed away the night before.

The two have had a little bit to do with Jones over the years, with Jane recalling a series of nice messages she received after she fractured her back earlier in the year.

Mick also had a vintage Dean Jones story off the field, of when he joined The D-Generation one morning many years ago and "took charge".

"I think it was me, Tommy (Gleisner) and maybe Santo (Cilauro) were sitting there," he recalled.

"He sat down, and we were in an ad break. Doors were popping open, people were saying this and that and what you've gotta do.

"Just before we went to air, he piped up..."