MenuLog Is Looking For An Armchair Food Critic AKA Someone To Sit On The Sofa & Eat Heaps Of Takeaway

And document the experience

19 August 2020

Triple M Staff

You know that expression "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have?" Well strap yourself into your trackies and that stained hoodie that never quite seems to make it into the wash because Menulog is coming through with your dream gig.

The fast food delivery service is once again launching its annual Menulog Restaurant Awards (or the LOGgies, as they might otherwise be known) but this year, there's a twist.

For the first time, there will be an extra, exceptionally reclined seat at the judge's table, for Australia's Armchair Food Critic.

The lucky judge will get to stay put on their own sofa while an array of delicious, local takeaway is delivered right to their door every day for two weeks.

So is there a catch? Nuh. You just eat the food and document your experience with the likes of salt levels, sauce application, spice intensity and plenty more.

All those years of watching-but-not-really-watching MasterChef are finally going to pay off!

The only skills required are for you to be an experienced eater who is willing to tackle all snack and meal times - so intermittent fasters need not apply - and keep an open mind and mouth when it comes to trialling cuisines and dishes.

You also shouldn't be afraid to share your opinions both online and in real life - so you'll finally have an excuse for all those #FoodPorn pictures of your dinner you keep uploading to Instagram.

If you do get selected as Australia's Armchair Food Critic, you'll win 12 months free Menulog delivered to your door plus, of course, the bragging rights of being an officially crowned critic.

To apply, head here and submit a 30" video of your best restaurant and meal review. Entries are now open, and close on September 4.

Which gives you plenty of time to buy more pants with elasticated waistbands. 

Still got some time to kill? Check out our brand new channel, Triple M's Pub Talk, where we cover everything from the best chips - controversial #1, just letting you know - to the best records to listen to in isolation.