Measles Warning: Busselton Shopping Precinct

Remain vigilant

12 July 2019

An warning has been issued for people who visited Busselton's shopping precinct last weekend who may be at risk of contracting measles after someone went to several shops carrying the illness.

You're advised to remain vigilant for measles symptoms from July 12-25 if you attended the following locations:

  • Busselton shopping precinct (July 5) in the late afternoon
  • Busselton Post Office (July 5) in the late afternoon
  • Discount Pharmacy on Kent Street (July 5 & 7) in the late afternoon
  • Woolworths Busselton (July 6) in the late afternoon

Early symptoms of measles include a fever, cough, runny nose and sore eyes. 

This is followed by a red, blotchy rash three-four days later.